adobe / brackets

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problem with brackets or is it just that bad all the time! #15308

Open zmth opened 3 years ago

zmth commented 3 years ago


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[Description of the bug or feature]

Steps to Reproduce

  1. [First Step]
  2. [Second Step]
  3. [and so on...]

Expected behavior: [What you expected to happen]

Actual behavior: [What actually happened]


Please include the OS and what version of the OS you're running. Please include the version of Brackets. You can find it under Help -> About Brackets (Windows and Linux) or Brackets -> About Brackets (macOS)

zmth commented 3 years ago

i loaded a file which was all black letters into brackets and it put parts of it in red and then back to black and i want it all black but have no control .Is there a version of brackets which will not go putting parts in red and parts in black?

zmth commented 3 years ago

windows 10 there is no way to find out the version of brackets i am using. I just downloaded it a week or so ago

FrankPujo commented 3 years ago

I would check the file extension, it is probably just syntax highlighting.

zmth commented 3 years ago

it's not file extension . it does it on any " marks within the text and other instances also which all i don't know.I will try to paste part of a screenshot of this part in red cannot stop it problem if possible. cannot paste the whole file as it is too long Screenshot 2021-01-19 201615

FrankPujo commented 3 years ago

It is due to the .json file extension. It recognize all the text between ' ' as a string so it is highlighted as a strin. Same for some keywords (for, cos, sin, if, new, system, when...) in blue and numbers in green.

zmth commented 3 years ago

yea well i don't want it to do that. who would make something that has no control over something like that and can't even choose font. i added extension and the ..... thing was error on anything and everything. I don't know why anyone would even put out such ridiculous 'software'. This and codeblocks for fortran at least are worst of the worst !

FrankPujo commented 3 years ago

That's actuallt the most common feature in every single code editor. Anyway you can disable it from the small menu in the bottom bar where you can choose the language which syntac you are highlighting and select "text" to get no highlighting.

zmth commented 3 years ago

funny it seemed to be already on text but anyway the red seems to be gone. NOw how do i change the font as there is nothing that says font. why does it say closed below ? and how to keep open

zmth commented 3 years ago

ok maybe that did it

zmth commented 3 years ago

ok seemed to have changed font by view themes font family and put "times new roman". Now how do i make the brackets and parenthesis colors etc. more visible and also the cursor

SolomonLeon commented 3 years ago

According to your discription, you should try using 'sublime text' or just use the 'notepad.exe' to view your plain text file.

zmth commented 3 years ago

but i want to use it to show matching brackets and parenthesis which notepad does not do and notepad does not even show line numbers which i also want and want other things which supposedly brackets can do but getting it to do it is so beyond any reasonable effort ....Also i don't see 'sublime text' as a choice so i just put it on text

zmth commented 3 years ago

now i restart brackets and it says 'error reading preferences ' ...not valid json ...can correct the formator something like that. All my choices prior and all that work i did before a waste And it says nothing about what the hell is JSON and why i need that! Here is what shows except not shown here for some reason there are line numbers to the left of each line. it never says what is wrong or anything like that. what a ridiculous editor ! esp since there is nothing wrong with the below I put the "text":true in prior since i don't want any red text like it had before when the json had Perl checked But it still did NOT work and i had to go and change it manually every time because it came back to Perl again even though i put the text: true command in there as shown below. It already had the rest . What does

:highlight MatchParen ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=red cterm=NONE

mean ? if it has to do with showing matching parenthesis which I Do want how do i change the color, make it more obviously visible such as ,flashing etc.

{ "brackets-eslint.gutterMarks": true, "brackets-eslint.useLocalESLint": false, "fonts.fontSize": "20px", "fonts.fontFamily": "times new roman", "wordWrap": false, "useTabChar": true, "tabSize": 4, "quickview.enabled": false, "closeBrackets": false "text":true :highlight MatchParen ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=red cterm=NONE }

NOw i change it to:

{ "brackets-eslint.gutterMarks": true, "brackets-eslint.useLocalESLint": false, "fonts.fontSize": "20px", "fonts.fontFamily": "times new roman", "wordWrap": false, "useTabChar": true, "tabSize": 4, "quickview.enabled": false, "closeBrackets": false "text":true :highlight MatchParen ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=red cterm=NONE "cursor": big,red and flashing }

because i want a larger more obviously viewable cursor . Then i close my file open it again and it gives ERRor reading file message again. Does not even come up with the times new roman font nor in text but in 'Perl' again with the red. And the cursor is not changed to what i wanted. Does anyone know what is wrong with this editor and why it ignores my commands ? and mainly why it comes back with 'Error' again.

SolomonLeon commented 3 years ago

Sorry, but I believe you are not a programmer. Brackets is a coding tool rather than a text browser. If you need a customizable text browser, I recommend you to use Word or Typora instead of wasting time on Brackets.

If you are willing to try a little challenging work, you can customize the highlighting in sublinme text (I believe this is what you want). Please check the following link sublime-text-syntax-highlighting

You can also search for the keyword "sublime text custom highlight" in Google

I recommend to close this issue because it has nothing to do with Brackets.

zmth commented 3 years ago

no i want it for programming fortran and other math files, such as maxima etc. which i have been using for years. The main issue is not sublime as that is what u mentioned. the main issue is why brackets is giving error for NO reason ! and does NOT show where/if there is any error. doesn't do what it says etc. etc. and no one seems to agree there is any error either. Word is too big and wasteful and not for programming which is what i want. As the above red problem file shows it is not a plain text file either.The fact that brackets was listed on github which serves for the gfortran , maxima, codeblocks, sage etc. etc. would tend to indicate it is related to what i may need.

SolomonLeon commented 3 years ago

You were wrong at the beginning. Brackets is an editor designed for web programming rather than writing mathematical documents. Please don't waste time on this, there are more professional or easy-to-use formula editors for you to choose from.

Next time you ask a question, please make it clear what you want to do so as not to waste your time and others' time.

Please close this issue.

zmth commented 3 years ago

ok that last command and another may have given an error BUT even this by itself :

{ "brackets-eslint.gutterMarks": true, "brackets-eslint.useLocalESLint": false, "fonts.fontSize": "20px", "wordWrap": false, "useTabChar": true, "tabSize": 4, "quickview.enabled": false, "closeBrackets": false :highlight MatchParen ctermfg=yellow ctermbg=red cterm=BOLD }

get message 'Error Reading Preferences' why? anyway in addition it reads " your file is not valid JSON . The file will be opened so that you can correct the format......"

anyway i check OK but no file is opened. "The file" whatever it is is not opened.

Also i want my text file to open as text NOT perl which always seems to be the case as shown in the next to last of the 4 items on the right bottom where it lists: INS UTF-8 Perl Spaces 4 Instead of Perl i want it to automatically select ' text ' without me having to manually change it everytime. AND i want times new roman so i put this into the brackets.json

"fonts.fontFamily": "Times New Roman",

which it also seems not to accept. though since it gives error no matter what i can't say for sure if this is or is not an additional problem. And Debug choosing 'show errors in status bar' does not show anything - whatever a 'status bar ' is which it does not tell u either. And reload without extensions does not change anything.

SolomonLeon commented 3 years ago

font: check the first answer.

Brackets automatically select highlighting based on the text content because this is one of its main functions. Sublime text selects highlighting according to the extension, you can try it.

zmth commented 3 years ago

so one cannot do anything about it? that is ridiculous that one cannot choose what default type to open a file. i don't really want to open according to extension either as i may make my own such as the above one which is .t . ok i read that link and helped some and i had read some of those prior and according to all that "fonts.fontFamily": "Times New Roman", should work. But for now have to see why it is giving error even without that as shown above and it gives no indication of where is the error and debug And Debug choosing 'show errors in status bar' does not show anything other than the current position of wherever is the cursor. i may try that sublime text but for now this one could be of some use if ... stops giving ridiculous error messages and ignoring etc.....

zmth commented 3 years ago

according to that "fonts.fontFamily": "Times New Roman",

should work but first have to find out why it is giving error even without it. Now i do see in small red Errors: 3 at bottom with a hand symbol such that if put mouse on it should show something but it does not. sometimes i see show developer tools but that doesn't help either except i see some red text that reads ridiculous:

Less has finished and no sheets were loaded. /preferences/PreferencesBase.js:1604 ParsingError(anonymous function) @ /preferences/PreferencesBase.js:1604 /document/DocumentCommandHandlers.js:1800 Brackets reloaded with extensions disabled /command/KeyBindingManager.js:578 Failed to normalize Cmd-Shift-] /command/KeyBindingManager.js:578 Failed to normalize Cmd-Shift-[ /LiveDevelopment/MultiBrowserImpl/transports/NodeSocketTransport.js:84 NodeSocketTransport - start main.js:289 Php tooling: Starting the service /filesystem/FileSystem.js:967 Failed to watch root: C:/brackets/samples/root/Getting Started/ Max connection attempts reached ErrorNotification.js:122 Error watching project root: C:/brackets/samples/root/Getting Started/ Max connection attempts reachedwindow.console.error @ ErrorNotification.js:122 ErrorNotification.js:122 ClientInfo domain could not be loaded: Max connection attempts reachedwindow.console.error @ ErrorNotification.js:122 ErrorNotification.js:122 AutoUpdate : node domain could not be initialized.window.console.error @ ErrorNotification.js:122 120/utils/NodeConnection.js:84 WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:58980/' failed: WebSocket opening handshake timed out NodeDebugUtils.js:53 [NodeDebugUtils] Node is listening on port 58980 Failed to clear temp storage: It was determined that certain files are unsafe for access within a Web application, or that too many calls are being made on file resources. SecurityError

I don't know if that has anything to do with these alleged Errors: 3 or not.