adobe / brackets

An open source code editor for the web, written in JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
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No icon on tray for Linux #5889

Open opatry opened 10 years ago

opatry commented 10 years ago

At least, running under Mate (Gnome 2.x fork). But should be the same for another Desktop Environment?

Actually, there is an icon, but not the brackets one, a pseudo window icon (white with blue bar)

jasonsanjose commented 10 years ago

Thanks @opatry. Can you attach a screen shot and details on your setup?

opatry commented 10 years ago

capture As you can see, the icon in the task bar isn't the brackets one.

I'm using Linux Mint Mate edition (MATE Desktop Environment 1.6.0) The icon in the menu is the right one: brackets

jasonsanjose commented 10 years ago

Great, thanks @opatry for the quick response and the screenshot.

poipoipoi commented 10 years ago

Same problem here. Running this build: on Debian 7.3 wheezy 64bit, OpenBox w/ tint2.

MadcapJake commented 10 years ago

Adding a working directory to the desktop file fixes application icon in xfce window buttons panel item (I'm guessing this will also fix LXDE, Gnome, and KDE). Just add a Path element below the Exec element that contains the brackets directory path. So far haven't had any problems setting this.

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/opt/brackets/brackets %U
ddittmar commented 9 years ago

@Kurremkarmerruk thanks! your hint worked for me on Xubunutu 14.04

radorodopski commented 9 years ago

This should be fixed with

The comment from @Kurremkarmerruk seems more like a way to temporaryly bypass the issue (until an update arrives and overwrites the .desktop file) than a solution. This can also be reproduced by starting the Brackets executable from a path other that the one in ehich it is installec (/opt/brackets/) i.e. the home directory.

ultrox commented 8 years ago

thanks @MadcapJake to the less savvy you need to create file on your desktop with a name


and add this to it:

[Desktop Entry] Name=Brackets Type=Application Categories=Development Exec=/opt/brackets/brackets %U Path=/opt/brackets Icon=brackets MimeType=text/html;

save the file.