adobe / franklin-dashboard

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List block adjustments #29

Closed langswei closed 9 months ago

langswei commented 9 months ago

In conjunction with #28 there are some improvements which can be made to the list block including:

MarquiseRosier commented 9 months ago

Tri Color Bar is the average of the percentages of good, bad cwv scores combined. So, (% of green lcp + % of green cls + % of green inp + % of green fid) / 4

The text on the head row reads "% of visits with good, okay, or bad CWV scores"

MarquiseRosier commented 9 months ago

the four columns after provide the actual scores and an idea of what's giving bad CWV performance.

langswei commented 9 months ago

Adjusted header labels with #31.

The note about average scores is actually more related to helix-run-query and not franklin-dashboard. It turns out avg means 75th percentile per, so the original comments in this issue about outliers are not relevant.

Marquise answered the question about tri-color bar above. In general a dashboard visitor will see more orange/red and their eyes will move to the right for a breakdown to have a better idea of areas to investigate.

Closing this issue.