adobe / franklin-dashboard

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Domain Pages View #3

Open meryllblanchet opened 1 year ago

meryllblanchet commented 1 year ago

As a dashboard user, and for each domain I am entitled to, I want to be able to:

solaris007 commented 1 year ago

@trieloff - could you kindly provide specific queries / requests for the above for quick integration?

langswei commented 12 months ago

I am going to start some mockups and queries for the above in the style of (requires valid domainkey). I've also put together for internal use which I suppose will be obsolete in the near future, replaced by a link in the sidekick which requires no user input.

If anyone needs a domainkey to view, please contact me directly. These mockups will be static HTML pages hosted by a URL backed by real queries. All are welcome to contribute to the mockups, I'm just looking to add some order to the process to be more efficient in handling all these ideas from different sources and I feel this is a manageable way to do so. Franklification can happen once the mockups and queries are in good shape.

At the moment I'm leaning toward preparation of dashboard-specific run-queries with a generally consistent format to make the results pluggable into reusable chart/list code. Please note at this time that /pageviews.html is not using a dashboard-specific run-query and is not a model for reusability.

For the specific bullet points above:

See and browse the list of top pages


Know how many pages are live for the selected domain

Not doable from RUM due to sampling. We can potentially use Fastly request data or some index-based solution not in BigQuery today. Needs further discussion.

Configure how many pages I want to see and browse (10 - 25 - 50 - 100)


Configure a time period for the reporting (last 30 days, last 60 days, last 90 days, since ever)


For each domain page, see the average CWV values (LCP, FID, CLS)

Per Slack conversation, let's target median or 75th percentile or something other than average because at times we see crazy outliers that should be omitted.

For each domain page, see the trend to previous time period if applicable: improved CWV, similar CWV, degraded CWV
