adobe / helix-importer-ui

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Declarative Transformations API #356

Closed arumsey closed 1 month ago

arumsey commented 1 month ago


Introduce a higher-level Importer API that provides a declarative approach to transformations

Related Issue

Fixes: #355

Dependent on:

Motivation and Context

The AEM Importer import scripts are a powerful tool for manipulating a DOM into an Edge Delivery compatible format. These scripts however need to be written by developers with a high degree of knowledge of DOM APIs. The addition of a declarative transformation API on top of the existing low-level import script opens mor doors for less technical users to begin importing content by simply defining a collection of CSS selectors. Additionally, a no-code approach to defining import rules also allows them to be more easily created by automation and for them to be POSTED to a service to enable long running imports.

This feature does not introduce any breaking changes to the AEM Importer. The import script however can now be a JSON file or a JS object. This JSON structure (the ruleset) can then be passed to a createImporter factory that generates a valid import script. The Transformer class is able to consume a ruleset and runs through a series of phases to clean up the DOM and then generate any desired blocks through the use of CSS selector logic.

How Has This Been Tested?

Screenshots (if appropriate):

Types of changes


arumsey commented 1 month ago

Import Ruleset Example

  "root": "main",
  "cleanup": {
    "start": [
      "h1 + ul.instruments-menu",
  "blocks": [
      "type": "metadata",
      "target": "append",
      "params": {
        "metadata": {
          "keywords": "[name=\"keywords\"]",
          "Publication Date": "[property=\"og:article:published_time\"]",
          "category": [
            [":scope:has(.is-blog .post-list) .webinar-speaker-img", "Webinars"],
            [":scope:has(.is-blog .post-list)", ""]
          "series": [
            [":has(.is-blog .post-list) .webinar-speaker-img", ""]
          "eventDate": [
            [":has(.is-blog .post-list) .webinar-speaker-img", ""]
          "speakers": [
            [":has(.is-blog .post-list) .webinar-speaker-img", ".webinar-speaker-img + strong"]
      "type": "overview",
      "selectors": [
        ".entry div:has(div > p > img)",
        ".entry > div > div:first-of-type:has(div > img)"
      "params": {
        "cells": [
          ["div:has(p > img)", ":scope > div:last-child"]
      "type": "columns",
      "selectors": [
        ".entry > .about-content",
        ".desc-img-wrapper:has(> :nth-child(2):last-child)"