adobe / htl-spec

HTML Template Language Specification
Apache License 2.0
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Support map literals #63

Open kwin opened 6 years ago

kwin commented 6 years ago

Currently it is not possible to create map literals (consisting of several key/value pairs) in HTL expression language. This would be especially handy for passing request attributes (see which may now be given to data-sly-include. Currently one needs to have some backing code in JavaScript or Java to be able to use that option.

Maybe JSON notation would work

henrykuijpers commented 4 years ago

Any progress or additional thoughts on this, @kwin ?

I'd love to see this make the Sightly/HTL asap, as we often end up creating backend logic for something as simple as adding a query string parameter to a URL.

It would be nice if a JSON-like syntax is supported, even though that could be tricky since { and } already have a special meaning. Especially since we're already supporting a JavaScript array syntax ([1, 2, 3]).

Are there any technical complications in using the JSON notation that you suggested? Or has this just not been a priority yet?

kwin commented 4 years ago

This would rather be a question for @raducotescu. Any plans on a new HTL spec version where this could be included?

tripodsan commented 4 years ago

I think it should be the normal javascript object initializer, allowing unquoted keys, and references to other variables. eg:

${{key1:'value1', 'key2':'value2'}}

// or
<li data-sly-list="${articles}" data="${{key1:'value1', key2:42, key3:item}}" ></li>

as a workaround, you can define the object in your use class.

henrykuijpers commented 4 years ago

@raducotescu any update?

raducotescu commented 4 years ago

@henrykuijpers, it's something we're discussing internally. As soon as we reach a conclusion we will post it here.

paulochang commented 6 months ago

Any way to vote on this proposal? I am also in favor, and agree JSON syntax seems like the way to go.