The export and import of the context is currently tightly coupled with files.
When the producer phase is finished, we create a file (containing properties), which is then used by the databroker for exporting wherever we want.
The basic Idea is to let the user decide this, and:
The methods PhasedTestManager.exportPhaseData(), PhasedTestManager.fetchExportFile(), PhasedTestManager. exportContext(File), should all deal with a Properties object
The methods PhasedTestManager.importPhaseData(), PhasedTestManager.importContext(), should all deal with a Properties object
The interface PhasedDataBroker should be Properties driven (No ore use of files). This involves both store and fetch
** Deprecate the file ones and create a fetch and a store using a Properties Object.
Instead of storing the context by files, by default, we will use a, provided databroker that is file driven. When no databroker is set this is used
The export and import of the context is currently tightly coupled with files.
When the producer phase is finished, we create a file (containing properties), which is then used by the databroker for exporting wherever we want.
The basic Idea is to let the user decide this, and: