adobe / theblog-tests

Apache License 2.0
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feat(monitoring): stabilise check #21

Closed kptdobe closed 4 years ago

kptdobe commented 4 years ago

I am adding $browser.waitForAndFindElement($driver.By.css('.load-more'), 60000); for the check to "wait" until .load-more element to be loaded in the DOM. This is the last piece injected by the client script and "guaranties" that the query-index.json request has made the round-trip. The tests are failing for unknown reasons while everything has been loaded fine. Only noticeable piece: query-index.json took longer than usual (several seconds): waiting for the .load-more element should guaranty the json has been fully loaded and processed when the check is executed.[0]=eyJuZXJkbGV0SWQiOiJucjEtY29yZS5hY3Rpb25zIiwiZW50aXR5SWQiOiJNalF5T1RNek5IeFRXVTVVU0h4TlQwNUpWRTlTZkdWaE4ySm1aRGczTFRCalpHTXROR1ZqTmkxaVl6UmhMV1JrTmpZd09UYzRaVFl4TVEiLCJzZWxlY3RlZE5lcmRsZXQiOnsibmVyZGxldElkIjoic3ludGhldGljcy1uZXJkbGV0cy5tb25pdG9yLXJlc3VsdC1kZXRhaWxzIn19&platform[accountId]=2429334&platform[timeRange][duration]=1800000&platform[$isFallbackTimeRange]=true