adobe / twist

State-management library with data binding and observables
Apache License 2.0
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Twist Project Generator #18

Open lanther opened 6 years ago

lanther commented 6 years ago

Ideally we should have a project generator for twist that lets you configure various options, e.g. whether you want unit testing, webpack, type of CSS, server-side rendering, etc etc.

It's worth looking at - is this something we can build on for React-Twist.

Yeoman might be a better choice since it's not framework-specific, but it's been a while since I looked at project generators so there may be some newer/better approaches - needs investigation!

kerrishotts commented 6 years ago

create-react-app is great... until you need to change the configuration (and there's only one that's supported). After that you're forced to eject, or come up with some other interesting workarounds. I've been able to make it work locally (using react-app-rewired), but I'm not 100% confident of its longevity.

Part of me really wants it to work with create-react-app, because then we could easily have a lot of examples running on But react-app-rewired doesn't work on their end (last I knew), so that's probably out for awhile. Yeoman would work fine, especially if we want the user to be able to pick and choose what features they want. I've done a little bit with Yeoman in the past, so I could play around with a PoC.

lanther commented 6 years ago

That's good to know! Yeah, I've used Yeoman before too, and it's definitely flexible - I just wasn't sure if there's a more modern tool that people are using these days.