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An apology and a quick fix, having broken CSS Regions Support Matrix #15

Closed jonasfj closed 11 years ago

jonasfj commented 11 years ago

I read the blog post @mibalan did on using QUnit and Browerscope to create the CSS regions support matrix.

Long story short, I played around with the code using your test-key to debug UI, thought I wasn't submitting any data... But apparently I did submit some invalid keys :(

I don't think there's much I can do - but, to say sorry. I can't retract results from browserscope. I'm quite embarrassed, so again I'm terribly sorry.

A quick workaround would be to add the following line to utilities/css-regions-support-matrix/assets/js/results.js between line 141 and 142 (in the createTableRows function).

141:        for (j = 0; j < obj.results.length; j++) {
 -->             if(obj.results[j].name == null) continue;
142:            var row = '<tr><th>' + obj.results[j].name + '</th>';

Even better of course would be to only read keys that you have unit tests for, but that would require a wrapper for defining the tests and saving test name onload. Nevertheless, it's probably impossible to make a tamper-free crowd sourcing solution, so that's probably overkill.

Again, I'm terribly sorry... And hope this fix works for you, if not let me know...

cataling commented 11 years ago

Thanks for adding the issue @jonasfj . I've added the quick workaround for now.