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Why does Fireworks have pages? #26

Open LindaN opened 11 years ago

LindaN commented 11 years ago

Seems like a time sink for engineers who could better serve an application intended for creating web graphics by improving its graphics capabilities. Do any of the web developers among us design more than an index page and one or two sample inner pages? This insistence on positioning Fireworks as a prototyping app leads me to believe that Adobe thinks that Photoshop and Illustrator are threatened by it. Rather than sacrificing Fireworks to Photoshop and Illustrator, why not revamp both of those applications to make them as easy, logical and intuitive to use as Fireworks?

andrejilderda commented 11 years ago

Yes, there are web developers who design more than one or 2 pages. I also find myself making variations all the time by making copies of pages. So to me the functionality to work with pages is one of the most important reason to choose Fw over Ai or Ps.

LindaN commented 11 years ago

I'm a designer, not a developer. I have been designing web sites for developers since 1999. Not once has any of the companies I subcontract to asked me to design more than three pages. Maybe my prices are too high. :-) One thing for sure. I have never and will never use AI or PS for web design.

jasonrutherford commented 11 years ago

I am also a designer. When I started using Fireworks I mainly worked on web design for BTB, marketing and community websites. Before the Pages feature I used States (then Frames) as a hacky form of Pages.

Currently I work as an application UI designer on a team of multiple designers and being able to use one Fireworks file per feature (w/ multiple) pages is essential to our workflow.

Being able to do my wireframes, prototypes and HTML quality comps within one file and application is, for me, is one of the big reasons I use Fireworks ahead of all other applications or combinations of applications.

toddjreynolds commented 11 years ago

Our team of Interaction Designers use Fireworks exclusively for application design (web, iOS, Java, and Win32). Pages are essential for us in creating multi-paged prototypes for user testing as well as designing out variations of functionality for the engineers.

turboecart commented 11 years ago

Pages make prototyping a breeze... whatever that may be: logos, apps, sites, banners, anything really. I could not live without pages in Fireworks and I often wish that other pieces of software, like Photoshop, had this.

AndreReinegger commented 11 years ago

For an online shops for example I create lots of pages like Home, Products Overview, Product Detail, 3 Steps for the Order Process, Contact & Support, ... For one shop I needed more than 30 pages. Without Fireworks, the Pages panel and the Masterpage I would be lost.

IsabelAracama commented 11 years ago

It's one of it's best features. For app design it is a life saver. How good it is to have the whole design in just one file? Very good indeed.