adoconnection / RazorEngineCore

.NET6 Razor Template Engine
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How to use ViewBag #105

Closed SpringHgui closed 2 years ago

SpringHgui commented 2 years ago

How to use ViewBag

adoconnection commented 2 years ago

Hi, you need to make custom razor engine template class and inhert RazorEngineTemplateBase then you can put any custom members in this new template class

like this

SpringHgui commented 2 years ago

my Template

    public class CustomTemplateBase : RazorEngineTemplateBase
        public dynamic ViewBag { get; set; }


  return template.Run(instance =>
      instance.ViewBag =  new
                    title = "hello"
      instance.Model = model;

 // cshtml


get exception

'object' does not contain a definition for 'title'

adoconnection commented 2 years ago

Hi, everything is fine, but although ViewBag is dynamic it does not give you permission to access anonymous object proeprties.

RazorEngine engineCore = new RazorEngine();

var compiledTemplate = engineCore.Compile<CustomTemplateBase>("<h1>@ViewBag.title</h1>");

Console.WriteLine(compiledTemplate.Run(instance =>
    instance.ViewBag = new AnonymousTypeWrapper(new 
        title = "hello"
SpringHgui commented 2 years ago
