adolfintel / NoteBot

A ripoff of Microsoft Sticky Notes
85 stars 9 forks source link

Malware - Trojan #5

Open slooi opened 2 years ago

slooi commented 2 years ago

You website is getting flagged for malware, more specifically for distributing trojans. Mind explaining that?

adolfintel commented 2 years ago

It's a false positive obviously, but thanks for informing me. Where did you find it flagged?

sborn commented 2 years ago

Logmein Antivirus is preventing startup: On-Access scanning has detected a threat. Access to the file has been denied.F:\Sync\Sync.Cache\restored\102f61283ebcb9d885fafc470da2c6c54c03d4fb.1657117593058120.tmp is malware of type XLM.Trojan.Abracadabra.4.Gen Logmein is a Bitdefender engine.

adolfintel commented 2 years ago

Just to be sure, I checked the files on my website (right) and they match the ones I uploaded with the last update in 2019 (left), you can see the hashes in the image below, can you confirm that your files are the same?

I also tried running the exe in a sandbox and I don't see anything unusual, it's just an Inno setup installer, it extracts the files, writes to registry and that's it.
