adolfintel / OpenPods

The Free and Open Source app for monitoring your AirPods on Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Closed Electric1447 closed 4 years ago

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

If the app is closed in the first time it will kill the service.

adolfintel commented 4 years ago

Are you sure about this? Unless this problem was introduced recently, I remember doing tests like this last year.

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

Only happens in latest commit, does not happen in release 1.4

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

Okay I think I found the cause, it only happens on debug versions

adolfintel commented 4 years ago

If you close android studio it terminates the service, that might be the problem you're running into.

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

Compiled release version of latest version and this does not happens.

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

If you close android studio it terminates the service, that might be the problem you're running into.

Maybe android studio 4.0 introduced a new bug with services?

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

Anyway I am closing this issue as it does not affect users

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

Found the issue: Google introduced a new "feature" in which if you run a app from the Run 'app' button in android studio and exit it, it will terminate the service.

adolfintel commented 4 years ago

Nice "feature"

Domi04151309 commented 4 years ago

Everybody loves "features"