adolfintel / OpenPods

The Free and Open Source app for monitoring your AirPods on Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Warn users of MIUI & EMUI #90

Closed Electric1447 closed 4 years ago

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

We should inform MIUI & EMUI users of possible incompatibilities with the main branch of OpenPods.

We'll do this by detecting Build.MANUFACTURER and acting accordingy

adolfintel commented 4 years ago

I think MIUI exposes an API to detect it, I remember reading about it years ago

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

We could also do that in addition

adolfintel commented 4 years ago

It's probably better because Build.MANUFACTURER would only tell you that it's a Huawei device. MIUI supports other brands too, and Huawei phones may have a custom ROM on it

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

We could display the notification for MIUI & EMUI and say in it about custom roms. Also it would just be a warning, it wouldn't prevent users from using the app if they desire

adolfintel commented 4 years ago

Yes, it should just be a warning when the user launches the app the first time

adolfintel commented 4 years ago

Do you want to do it or should I do it? I have time today

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

Not at home for couple days, do it yourself and I'll see if there is anything to change/fix

adolfintel commented 4 years ago

Done. I put it in MainActivity, it's shown only once when the app is first started. Feel free to improve it and add the Hebrew translation.

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

Made slight improvement in #91 so dismissing the alertdialog would make not show again (previously we needed to click the neutral button)

Also: Hebrew translation

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

Now we need to implement a warning for EMUI

Electric1447 commented 4 years ago

I might do it later

adolfintel commented 4 years ago

This should work for EMUI as well, since it's a fork. I have no way to test it though.