Skylark Editor is written in C, a high performance text/hex editor. Embedded Database-client/Redis-client/Lua-engine. You can run Lua scripts and SQL files directly.
Both Lite XL and TextAdept allow writing new syntax highlighting files directly in Lua. Lite XL as I know doesn't use Lexilla. TextAdept has Lexilla as a build dependency but it seems they don't use it. They use their home growth Scintillua to write Scintilla lexers directly in Lua. Please have a look at how they are doing it:
Both Lite XL and TextAdept allow writing new syntax highlighting files directly in Lua. Lite XL as I know doesn't use Lexilla. TextAdept has Lexilla as a build dependency but it seems they don't use it. They use their home growth Scintillua to write Scintilla lexers directly in Lua. Please have a look at how they are doing it: