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Add Package @adityadarma/adonis-database-cryptable #106

Open adityadarma opened 2 weeks ago

adityadarma commented 2 weeks ago

Database encryption for V6

RomainLanz commented 1 week ago

I have multiple questions about your package.

  1. It will work only for MySQL. Can you confirm that?
  2. You have rewritten your encryption driver. Why not use the one provided by AdonisJS?
  3. How can you search for encrypted data in your database? A correct implementation of an encryption driver should add random data to it.
adityadarma commented 1 week ago
  1. For now only work with MySQL/MariaBD, next i will add PostgreSQL.
  2. What I use is different from the existing AdonisJS core. I do encryption at the database level, it will be different when doing database queries.
  3. I use an encryption mechanism at the database level, making it easier to query data to the database. I also created a function to query the database without encrypting the data first.
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I hope this answer helps