adonisjs / auth

Official Authentication package for AdonisJS
MIT License
187 stars 65 forks source link

Wrong token prefix is being generated #195

Closed Xorbert closed 2 years ago

Xorbert commented 2 years ago


Have Postgres Database

The following code const token = await auth.use('api').attempt(email, password, { expiresIn: lifetime, }) token will have an base64 encoded "[object Object]" instead the expected integerish ID from lucid. The Token will look like this: W29iamVjdCBPYmplY3Rd.3hPYyUdIfed9LEvniRRfRWP4Wrh8roANdyQaofcbz8sGWtl6V1IWFY9bJToi Where the first part is like "W29iamVjdCBPYmplY3Rd" == base64("[object Object]")

This happens, because Database.js appears to get an Object looking like {id: 123} instead 123, as before Lucid v17 on line 116 const [persistedToken] = await client.table(this.config.table).insert(payload).returning('id');

When downgrading to lucid 16.3 everything works fine, I just did not have the resources to debug further, and wrote you a ticket.

Package version


Node.js and npm version

node v17.4.0 npm 8.3.1

Sample Code (to reproduce the issue)

See prerequisites