adonisjs / auth

Official Authentication package for AdonisJS
MIT License
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Lucid Provider Gives Error "The guard must called "setRememberMeToken" before calling "updateRememberMeToken" on the Lucid provider" #219

Closed kylanhurt closed 1 year ago

kylanhurt commented 1 year ago

Package version


Node.js and npm version

16.19.0 and 8.19.3

BONUS (a sample repo to reproduce the issue)

Sample Code (to reproduce the issue)

This specifically occurs when doing the await auth.use('web').login(user, true) line in AuthController.ts


  public async login({ auth, request, response }: HttpContextContract) {
    const account_name = 'kylan'
    const user = await User.query().where({ account_name }).firstOrFail()
    try {
      await auth.use('web').login(user, true)
    } catch (err) {
      return response.status(400).json({ error: err.message })


const authConfig: AuthConfig = {
  guard: 'web',
  guards: {
    web: {
      driver: 'session',
      provider: {
        driver: 'lucid',
        identifierKey: 'id',
        uids: ['id'],


declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Addons/Auth' {
  interface ProvidersList {
    user: {
      implementation: LucidProviderContract<typeof User>
      config: LucidProviderConfig<typeof User>

  interface GuardsList {
    web: {
      implementation: SessionGuardContract<'user', 'web'>
      config: SessionGuardConfig<'user'>
      client: SessionClientContract<'user'>
thetutlage commented 1 year ago

Your User model does not have a rememberMeToken column and neither the database table has this column. Agree the error message can be improved, but it is not a bug.

Please update your model and table and then give it a try. Feel free to re-open the issue if the problem persists

kylanhurt commented 1 year ago

@thetutlage Could you elaborate on this? Is it as simple as removing the references to remember_me_token from the DB migration file? Does this mean that the "rememberMe" functionality is not possible to use with Lucid? Because if I remove it from the DB (it was not present anywhere on the User model), I still get the same error.

thetutlage commented 1 year ago

It means, if you want to use rememberMe feature, then your model and table should have this column

kylanhurt commented 1 year ago

Update: looks like this latest issue after adding the column to the User model was that I used snake case (remember_me_token) instead of camel case (rememberMeToken)

@thetutlage Sorry, I know this is probably a very tedious process for you. I misread your earlier comment. I have adjusted my repo accordingly but am still getting the same issue. In fact, when I log the providerUser in the updateRememberMeToken method it seems that the providerUser.user.$dirty property is missing. This is what providerUser.user logs out:

User {
  modelOptions: {
    connection: 'pg',
    profiler: Profiler {
      appRoot: '/Users/kylan/Documents/adonis/auth-attempt',
      logger: [Logger],
      config: [Object]
  modelTrx: undefined,
  transactionListener: [Function: bound listener],
  fillInvoked: false,
  cachedGetters: {},
  forceUpdate: false,
  '$columns': {},
  '$attributes': { id: 1, account_name: 'kylan', remember_me_token: null },
  '$original': { id: 1, account_name: 'kylan', remember_me_token: null },
  '$preloaded': {},
  '$extras': {},
  '$sideloaded': {},
  '$isPersisted': true,
  '$isDeleted': false,
  '$isLocal': false,
  rememberMeToken: 'vxXL0TDXoQf2iYFXU1VN'

As you can see the remember_me_token attribute appears to be included, although the $columns object seems to be empty. Is there something wrong with my project's configuration or something?

Here is the updated commit:

thetutlage commented 1 year ago

There is no remember me column in this model

Please, read a little of about how remember me works with login and sessions and then try to update your code accordingly.