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Namespace for 3rd party adonis providers #56

Closed webdevian closed 6 years ago

webdevian commented 7 years ago

As all official adonis v4 modules have moved to a new namespace on npm, should 3rd party modules follow suit? I don't think we can publish under the @adonisjs namespace directly, what should we do @thetutlage?

thetutlage commented 7 years ago

Publish them on npm under your account

webdevian commented 7 years ago

@thetutlage Is that better than just posting it to the global namespace on npm?

@webdevian/my-adonis-module doesn't seem to be any better than my-adonis-module

Should we use a naming convention? i.e adonis-* or adonis-*-provider?

thetutlage commented 6 years ago

Closing since not actionable