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fix: apply relationship constraints when using sub query in whereIn condition #1037

Open adamcikado opened 2 weeks ago

adamcikado commented 2 weeks ago

🔗 Linked issue


❓ Type of change

📚 Description

Resolves #1036

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adamcikado commented 2 weeks ago

The pipeline errors do not seem to be related to this PR.

thetutlage commented 1 week ago

I am little confused on how these changes fixes that issue. I can see that you have abstracted this inline logic to its own function. But how does that fixes the issue.

PS: I have not scanned the entire source code yet, so maybe I am missing something :)

adamcikado commented 1 week ago

@thetutlage The whereIn method uses transformValue that converts Chainable using following logic:

if (value instanceof Chainable) {
      return value.knexQuery

So there is applyConstraints() missing for relationships. I've added a toKnex method to Chainable which calls applyWhere and returns knexQuery. I override this method in relation query builder (like other methods do), so that toKnex also calls applyConstraints.

thetutlage commented 1 week ago

Okay, let me give it a run locally to ensure nothing else breaks.