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The unique rule from VineJS should be simpler? #995

Open thetutlage opened 4 months ago

thetutlage commented 4 months ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **brunolipe-a** January 26, 2024 I think that always use a query to check if the value is unique in database is to complex for something that we use very often. Maybe we can have an uniqueRaw that uses the current code, and other that receives only table as required, something like that: ```ts /** * Options accepted by the unique rule */ type Options = { table: string column?: string filter?: (db: DatabaseQueryBuilderContract, value: string, field: FieldContext) => Promise } ```
brunolipe-a commented 4 months ago

I made an implementation on a side project, but I don't know if it follows the VineJS best way of doing it:

import vine from '@vinejs/vine'
import { FieldContext } from '@vinejs/vine/types'

import db from '@adonisjs/lucid/services/db'
import { DatabaseQueryBuilderContract } from '@adonisjs/lucid/types/querybuilder'

 * Options accepted by the uniqueSimple rule
export type UniqueSimpleOptions = {
  table: string
  column?: string
  filter?: (db: DatabaseQueryBuilderContract, value: string, field: FieldContext) => Promise<void>

 * Implementation
async function uniqueSimple(value: unknown, options: UniqueSimpleOptions, field: FieldContext) {
   * We do not want to deal with non-string
   * values. The "string" rule will handle the
   * the validation.
  if (typeof value !== 'string') {

  if (typeof !== 'string') {

  const columnName = options.column ||

  const baseQuery = db.from(options.table).select(columnName).where(columnName, value)

  await options.filter?.(baseQuery, value, field)

  const row = await baseQuery.first()

  if (row) {'The {{ field }} has already been taken', 'database.unique', field)

 * Converting a function to a VineJS rule
export const uniqueSimpleRule = vine.createRule(uniqueSimple)
Xstoudi commented 4 months ago

Happy the discussion exists as I was on my way to open an identical one.

To contribute a bit: v5 unique rule felt really straightforward and I think having it back will be a great QoL improvement: table name, field name and that's it.

Tahul commented 4 months ago

@thetutlage ; I found this implemention in adocasts repository:

Used that way:

import { exists } from '#app/validators/helpers/db'

vine.string().exists(exists('table', 'field', { caseInsensitive: boolean }))

That finds my needs for the migration from @adonisjs/validation to @vinejs/vine.

I guess you could tweak it to be the exact same as the previous rule (object parameters).

EwertonDutra commented 3 months ago

We really need simple validations, like in version 5 Please

thetutlage commented 3 months ago

Can we have some PR for the same? Also, will be nice if you can also take care of the docs for the same

Xstoudi commented 3 months ago

Can do the PR tonight but don't want to lick the cookie so feel free to PR first. Just to clear things up, @thetutlage do you want it to fully replace the current implem or to live aside it?

thetutlage commented 3 months ago

Live alongside the current API