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Adding support for validations and cache in Env provider #24

Closed thetutlage closed 3 years ago

thetutlage commented 4 years ago

The RFC is a proposal to add validations and caching the environment variables for better performance. Also, since we are validating environment variables at runtime, we should also strive to get the static analysis working as well.

Initially the idea of validations was suggested by @targos and performance bottlenecks were shared by @RomainLanz

Why cache environment variables?

Accessing environment variables using process.env has a huge performance impact on your application boot time (assuming, most of the calls are during the boot cycle).

Since environment variables are not something you will/should mutate during the application lifecycle. It is relatively safe to cache their original value and provide a method to clear the cache (incase someone needs it).

The caching process can be quite simple as explained below:

Validating environment variables

Environment variables are something that we blindly trust and assume will be available in the right shape during the application runtime.

Since environment variables are completely under our control. It is relatively safe to trust them blindly. However, if an environment is missing, the exceptions raised by your code can be confusing and hard to debug. For example:

The Problem

The following code snippet relies on the NODE_ENV environment variable. If the variable is missing, the exception raised by the code doesn't help in figuring out the root problem right away.

function performSomeAction () {
  if (process.env.NODE_ENV.toLowerCase() === 'development') {
Screen Shot 2020-07-06 at 12 35 25 PM

Of course, you can/should write code that does check for the existence of the variable before performing transformations on it.

But, imagine writing all these conditionals everywhere in your code. We can do better here. After all, we use frameworks for some reasons.


Let's add support for validating the environment variables as soon as the application is booted and throw meaningful errors to fix them.

The Env module can expose a .validate method. It accepts an object of key-value pair, where the value is the set of validations to run. For example:

  NODE_ENV: Env.schema.string(),
  PORT: Env.schema.number(),
  SOME_KEY: Env.schema.string.optional(),
  FROM_EMAIL: Env.schema.string(function (value) {
   // optional validate for email format

Things to notice here:

Support for intellisense

Wouldn't it be frustrating, if runtime validations do ensure that the environment variables are correct, but typescript has no information about it? For example:

We can fix this problem literally by writing less than 10 lines of code. The Env module has the following interface (Just keeping the get method for simplicity)

export interface EnvContract {
  get (key: string, defaultValue?: any): string | boolean | null | undefined

If we can have an interface that holds the concrete types for each key, then the get method can use it as follows:


export interface EnvTypes {
  NODE_ENV: string,
  PORT: number,
  FROM_EMAIL: string,
  SOME_KEY: undefined | string,

export interface EnvContract {
  get<K extends keyof EnvTypes> (key: K): EnvTypes[K]

Now the question is, how to generate this interface automatically without manually maintaining it and then living in the fear that the runtime validations and the interface can go out of sync.

How about making the validate method generate this interface (or types) for us?

Validate method signature

The validate method uses generics to return the concrete data types for every validated key.

validate<T extends { [key: string]: (value: string | undefined) => any }> (value: T): {
  [Key in keyof T]: ReturnType<T[Key]>

Export validate output from a module

Next step is to export the output of Env.validate. Let's assume we decide to validate the variables inside start/validateEnv.ts file.

export default Env.validate({
  NODE_ENV: Env.schema.string(),
  PORT: Env.schema.number(),
  SOME_KEY: Env.schema.string.optional(),
  FROM_EMAIL: Env.schema.string(function (value) {
   // optional validate for email format

Now, using declaration merging we can create EnvTypes from the return value of Env.validate. The following code will go inside contracts/env.ts file.

import validated from '../start/validateEnv'

declare module '@ioc:Adonis/Core/Env' {
  type ValidationTypes = typeof validated

  export interface EnvTypes extends ValidationTypes {

Here's link to the simplified version of it inside TS Playground.

iagobruno commented 4 years ago

I agree that it's safe to cache env variables, since they don't change at runtime.

About validating, this feature would help new project members to correctly setup a server environment with a large code base. However, at the same time, I don't think it's something relevant to consider and it would be one more thing to maintain.

Let's wait and see what other people think about it.

thetutlage commented 4 years ago

@iagobruno Thanks for the feedback.

I believe, the surface area for validating env variables is quite small, so shouldn't be a big deal to manage them.

dcrystalj commented 4 years ago

perfect 🥇

targos commented 4 years ago

I overall like the proposal 👍 Just a question: would external providers, such as Lucid, be able to automatically add env validation rules when they are invoked?

thetutlage commented 3 years ago

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