Due to the change in how branches/issues are worked for this project, the branch names no longer fit what they actually contain. The following should be how branches are handled in the future:
"master" - main branch. Only "release" or "hotfix" pull requests should be allowed
"development" - Main development branch. Should only allow pull requests from branches with tracked issues
"hotfix" - A branch that will only exist if the "master" branch needs an immediate fix that cannot wait for a full "release"
"{issue #}" - Branches with specific issues attached to them. Typically pulled into the "development" branch upon completion.
Due to the change in how branches/issues are worked for this project, the branch names no longer fit what they actually contain. The following should be how branches are handled in the future:
"master" - main branch. Only "release" or "hotfix" pull requests should be allowed "development" - Main development branch. Should only allow pull requests from branches with tracked issues "hotfix" - A branch that will only exist if the "master" branch needs an immediate fix that cannot wait for a full "release" "{issue #}" - Branches with specific issues attached to them. Typically pulled into the "development" branch upon completion.