adopted-ember-addons / active-model-adapter

Adapters and Serializers for Rails's ActiveModel::Serializers
MIT License
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Error with ember-data 5.3.8: Could not find module `@ember-data/adapter/rest` #189

Open lozjackson opened 5 months ago

lozjackson commented 5 months ago

Since upgrading ember-data I'm getting an error in the console

Error: Could not find module @ember-data/adapter/rest imported from active-model-adapter/active-model-adapter

I guess something changed with ember-data in that version.

I'm not sure where the problem is (this project, or ember-data) - I've created an issue in the ember-data repo here

runspired commented 5 months ago

This is happening because this library does not properly declare either a dependency or a peerDependency on ember-data or @ember-data/adapter

Adding the proper dependency to package.json should be enough to fix even without converting this library to be a v2 addon.