adopted-ember-addons / ember-pikaday

A datepicker component for Ember CLI projects.
MIT License
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Causing in Unexpected Token: eof (undefined) when building for production #343

Open aman-adriano opened 4 years ago

aman-adriano commented 4 years ago

I got this error when building for productiong (ember b --prod):

Build Error (UglifyWriter)

Unexpected token: eof (undefined)

Here's the full error log :+1:

ENV Summary:

TIME: Mon May 04 2020 11:38:57 GMT+0800 (Philippine Standard Time) TITLE: ember ARGV:

ERROR Summary:


My env info: ember-cli: 3.15.2 node: 10.13.0 os: linux x64

It builds normally when I removed this addon.


sbflynn commented 4 years ago

I had the same issue. The root cause of it was the recently released moment v2.25.1 package. Workaround was to pin moment to v2.24.0 (yarn resolution worked for me).

aman-adriano commented 4 years ago

thanks @sbflynn

Is momentjs is a dependency of ember-pikaday through ember-cli-moment-shim? I don't see it in pikaday's depencies. Glad to know I'm not the only one having this issue.

jrjohnson commented 4 years ago

This should be fixed with the release of ember-moment-shim v3.8.0 which no longer double minifies code from moment.