adoptium / adoptium-support

For end-user problems reported with our binary distributions
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Uninstall? #1042

Closed carvermon closed 2 months ago

carvermon commented 2 months ago

Hi. A program I have indicated that I needed Java to run it, and presented your site address to download it. I did so, but the program would still not run, so I downloaded Java from the Java page and now it works. My question is - where is your program on my computer (iMac/OS 10.13.6) and how can I uninstall it? I can find nothing in a search for Adoptium, Temurin, or the version apparently installed (JDK-21.0.2-13) on my drive.

Thank you for any info.

karianna commented 2 months ago

@carvermon You should find the installation at: /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/temurin-21.jdk/

carvermon commented 2 months ago

Thank you.