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Is there any permanent link to download Eclipse Temurin? #1056

Closed TEST173209 closed 1 month ago

TEST173209 commented 1 month ago


Is there any way to get a permanent link to download Eclipse Temurin? If not, could it be a feature under consideration.


Some dists (such as Oracle, Microsoft, etc) provide permanent links to download jdksCould Temurin provide this feature as well.

For Example, to download jdk8, URL made this up) always get the latest version of jdk8 installer for Windows x64, similiar to other platform/architecture and the checksum.

It would be very nice for automatic tools and sync platfrom if it is available.


Java version: Not specified

Your operating system and platform: Not specified

sxa commented 1 month ago

We do already provide the API at which allows you to get a redirect to the latest download. For example: is (almost) the link you're looking for. I say almost because that's the zip file, not the MSI installer. Is that adequate for your needs?

It is possible to locate the MSI installer but it's a bit more work, for example you can retrieve the JSON from: and find the binaries/installer/link in there get the underlying URL to the MSI. It's not ideal, but gives you an option for now if you need to automatically download and install the MSI file

I would also suggest raising a feature request at to make the installers more easily accessible in a single API call in the same way as the zip ones, as I hadn't realised we didn't already have that funtionality and it would be a good addition.


Hope that helps!

TEST173209 commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your reply!

The API is functional. I Just made a toy parser and it works fine.