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For end-user problems reported with our binary distributions
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43 stars 15 forks source link Connection reset error with OpenJDK Alpine #1123

Open NisharunnisaShaik opened 6 days ago

NisharunnisaShaik commented 6 days ago

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to create an OpenJDK Docker image with Alpine as a base image but I am facing Connection reset error.

Tried the following

  1. adding ca-certificates, p11-kit-trust, java-cacerts to the Docker file generating the OpenJDK image

  2. Added our internal certificates to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/

3.Updating ca-certificate password with keystore

Alpine Version : 3.18 JDK Version : jdk8u412-b08 BINARY_URL=''

But Still facing the same error. Request your help on this. Attaching our Docker file for your reference.


karianna commented 2 days ago

@NisharunnisaShaik I assume you're able to create the Docker image just find but when you run your application and it tries to make a connection you get that error?

Generic GPT4o advice follows:

Debugging SSL issues in a Java application running in a Docker container can be challenging, but here are some steps to help you determine if CA certificates are being loaded correctly:

  1. Verify CA Certificates in Docker Image: Ensure that the CA certificates are correctly installed in your Alpine-based Docker image. You can check this by running the following command inside your container:

    docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/sh

    Then, within the container, verify that the CA certificates are present:

    ls -l /etc/ssl/certs/

or in your case:


If you don't see the expected certificates, you might need to install them:

   apk add --no-cache ca-certificates
  1. Check Java Truststore: Java uses its own truststore for SSL/TLS connections. You can check if the default Java truststore includes the necessary CA certificates:

    keytool -list -keystore $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts -storepass changeit

    Replace $JAVA_HOME with the path to your Java installation.

  2. Specify Custom Truststore: If you are using a custom truststore, ensure that your Java application is configured to use it. You can set the truststore and password via JVM options:

    java -jar yourapp.jar
  3. Debug SSL Connections: Enable SSL debugging to get more detailed information about the SSL connection process. This can help you pinpoint where the connection is failing:

    java -jar yourapp.jar

    This will output detailed debug information to the console, which can help identify issues with certificate loading or SSL handshake.

  4. Network Issues: Ensure there are no network issues causing the Connection reset error. Verify connectivity to the service from within the container:

    curl -v https://your-service-url
  5. Update Certificates: Sometimes, the CA certificates bundled with Alpine or OpenJDK might be outdated. Update them to the latest versions:

    apk update && apk upgrade
    apk add --no-cache ca-certificates
  6. Logs and Errors: Check the logs and errors for more detailed information about the exception:

    try {
       // Your SSL connection code
    } catch ( e) {

By following these steps, you should be able to determine whether the CA certificates are being loaded correctly and identify the root cause of the Connection reset error.