We would like to verify whether we still need exclude statements that relate to issues tracked in the JBS (Java Bug System) issues. This is an EPIC that will cover the checking of jdk8, jdk11, jdk17 files. What this involves is to look up the JBS issues (the URLs containing https://bugs.openjdk.java.net), see if their Status indicates the issue is resolved.
If the Status is resolved, then we need to check if we can run the test on the platforms it is excluded on and pass. This will be done by running a Jenkins test job called a Grinder. If the testcase passes consistently, we can remove the exclude line from the ProblemList file.
We would like to verify whether we still need exclude statements that relate to issues tracked in the JBS (Java Bug System) issues. This is an EPIC that will cover the checking of jdk8, jdk11, jdk17 files. What this involves is to look up the JBS issues (the URLs containing https://bugs.openjdk.java.net), see if their Status indicates the issue is resolved.
If the Status is resolved, then we need to check if we can run the test on the platforms it is excluded on and pass. This will be done by running a Jenkins test job called a Grinder. If the testcase passes consistently, we can remove the exclude line from the ProblemList file.
ProblemList files are found in https://github.com/adoptium/aqa-tests/tree/master/openjdk/excludes and are typically in the following format: path/of/test/class/to/exclude URLtoIssueReportingFailure platformsExcludedOn
For example: gc/metaspace/TestCapacityUntilGCWrapAround.java https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8226236 windows-x86