adoptium / installer

Installer scripts for Eclipse Temurin binaries
Apache License 2.0
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Clean up product naming in MSIs #290

Open aahlenst opened 3 years ago

aahlenst commented 3 years ago

We have strange names in there like "AdoptOpenJDK Runtime Environment with Alibaba Dragonwell". That should probably just be "Dragonwell Runtime Environment" (maybe with an "Alibaba" at the beginning). We should clean that up as part of the Eclipse Adoptium transition.

douph1 commented 3 years ago

Just to summarize some open discussions on "slack"

We must adresse many naming question: (same for .zip .tar.gz and .pkg)

I would like to see in the filename many of this names : The name of the file produced : doesn't include

@gdams questioning about the MSI name/desc where there is " with Hotspot" which doesn't make sense anymore as we don't build OpenJ9 .. but only Hotspot

@karianna think we can't label JRE (for 8) due to legal .. it must be checked

@tellison think people speak about "Eclipse Temurin" and propose maybe to use “Eclipse Temurin by Adoptium” , “Eclipse Mission Control by Adoptium” ...

@gdams says that the "Vendor" must be defined as "Eclipse Foundation" then on a user spotted that the API is not alligned with this :

If Adoptium is not the vendor, why does the API then use "Adoptium" as the vendor?

Chocolatey package manager don't know how to reference us .. and the response is vague : "or"

Please use Temurin or Eclipse-Temurin. That is the product name