adoptium / installer

Installer scripts for Eclipse Temurin binaries
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Enable rpm/deb testing of non-x64 Linux packages #375

Open sxa opened 2 years ago

sxa commented 2 years ago

At the moment we do not have the support for running TestContainers on non-x64 platforms. We should look at implementing something that allows us to run the installer testing on the other architectures which we support.

smlambert commented 2 years ago

The year ago now that we talked with the TestContainers folks, there was a way to add support for non-x64 platforms. Need to find the notes from that, something about changing Ryuk, but also its a year ago, and seems there are official updates that may help us:

sxa commented 2 years ago

Yep, whether it's with "official" options (0bviously preferred if we can) or just something we knock up ourselves to do a basic install and java -version we should get something in place. Obviously not necessary for this first release as we can verify manually but has to be "on the list".

jerboaa commented 2 years ago

Once this gets enabled, those hard-coded values need to go:

E.g. via an environment variable ARCH or some such.

smlambert commented 2 years ago


sophia-guo commented 2 years ago

Just a note some version may not be abled to add tests 1 . newly enabled sle12

  1. probably will be enabled in a short time RHEL6
karianna commented 2 years ago

For those watching, linuxNew has been renamed to linux

zdtsw commented 2 years ago

I did not know what already have this issue to catch the build and test for non-x64. some of these have been done in my PR which was trying to split the build into arch-wise

the part to remove hardcoded (System.getenv("PACKAGE") + "*.x86_64.rpm"); is included in the PR but to be able to really test on non-x64 , we need to have jenkins agents available first e.g env.NODE_LABEL_RPM = "dockerBuild&&linux&&x64" // RedHat + Suse need to update (replace x64 with ${ARCH} at the moment , we do not have node match dockerBuild&&linux&&s390x dockerBuild&&linux&&armv7hl

sxa commented 2 years ago

It shouldn't be using dockerBuild as that's exclusively for hosts configured to run the dynamically generated docker images we use for building the JDK. docker should be a suitable one to use instead:||armv7l)/