adorsys / didcomm-mediator-rs

Simple mediator for DIDComm Messaging v2
Apache License 2.0
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As a developer, I shall have a clear understanding of key security and privacy considerations within SSI environments #44

Open francis-pouatcha opened 9 months ago

francis-pouatcha commented 9 months ago

Create a documentation page in the project to host findings.

francis-pouatcha commented 9 months ago

Firs results from Chat:

Key security and privacy considerations within the context of Decentralized Identifiers (DID), Verifiable Credentials (VC), and Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) are crucial to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and user control over personal data. Here are some of the key security and privacy considerations for each of these concepts:

Decentralized Identifiers (DID):

  1. Authentication and Authorization: Ensuring that only authorized entities can create and update DIDs, and that authentication mechanisms are robust to prevent unauthorized access.

  2. Public Key Infrastructure (PKI): Implementing a secure PKI for DID management, including the generation, storage, and usage of cryptographic keys for signing and verification.

  3. DID Resolution: Ensuring secure and reliable methods for resolving DIDs to their associated DID documents without compromising user privacy.

  4. DID Revocation: Implementing mechanisms for revoking DIDs when they are no longer valid or trusted.

  5. DID Governance: Establishing clear governance models for DID management and updates to avoid potential security loopholes.

Verifiable Credentials (VC):

  1. Issuer Verification: Ensuring that VCs are issued by trusted and authenticated issuers, and that the integrity of the issuer's signature is validated during verification.

  2. Credential Revocation: Implementing mechanisms for revoking VCs when they are no longer valid or trustworthy.

  3. Privacy-Preserving Attributes: Minimizing the disclosure of unnecessary personal information within VCs to protect user privacy.

  4. Tamper-Resistance: Employing cryptographic techniques to make VCs tamper-resistant and prevent unauthorized modifications.

  5. VC Storage and Management: Ensuring secure storage and management of VCs to prevent unauthorized access and disclosure.

Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI):

  1. User Consent and Control: Ensuring that users have full control over their identity data and are informed about any data sharing or usage.

  2. Decentralization and Interoperability: Building SSI systems with decentralized and interoperable principles to prevent single points of failure and enhance security.

  3. User Anonymity: Supporting the ability for users to create and use DIDs without revealing unnecessary personal information.

  4. Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Using zero-knowledge proofs to allow for selective disclosure of identity attributes without exposing the underlying data.

  5. Identity Recovery: Implementing secure mechanisms for identity recovery in case of lost credentials or access to the SSI wallet.

  6. Secure Wallets: Ensuring the security of SSI wallets that store private keys and credentials, including robust authentication and encryption.

  7. Consent Logging and Auditing: Keeping logs of user consents and data disclosures to facilitate auditing and ensure transparency.

Overall, security and privacy considerations should be an integral part of the design, implementation, and deployment of DID, VC, and SSI systems to protect user data, prevent identity theft, and foster trust in decentralized identity ecosystems.