adospace / reactorui-maui

MauiReactor is a MVU UI framework built on top of .NET MAUI
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Why doesn't the Image Indicator Template update its source when the Visual State is set to 'Selected'? #151

Closed cris-m closed 10 months ago

cris-m commented 10 months ago

I was trying to work with CarouselView and IndicatorView using image template. IndicatorTemplate doesnot change the Image source when the VisualState is selected.

public class Test 
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string SubTitle { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
class TestPage : Component
    public List<Test> tests;
    private MauiControls.CarouselView? _carouselView;
    public TestPage()
        tests = new List<Test>()
            new Test 
                Title = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet",
                SubTitle = "Consectetur Adipiscing Elit",
                Description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in libero non quam accumsan sodales vel vel nunc."
            new Test 
                Title = "Praesent Euismod Tristique",
                SubTitle = "Vestibulum Fringilla Egestas",
                Description = "Praesent euismod tristique vestibulum. Vivamus vestibulum justo in massa aliquam, id facilisis odio feugiat. Duis euismod massa id elit imperdiet."
            new Test 
                Title = "Aliquam Erat Volutpat",
                SubTitle = "Aenean Feugiat In Mollis",
                Description = "Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean feugiat in mollis ac. Nullam eget justo ut orci dictum auctor."
            new Test 
                Title = "Suspendisse Tincidunt",
                SubTitle = "Faucibus Ligula Quis",
                Description = "Suspendisse tincidunt, arcu eget auctor efficitur, nulla justo tristique neque, et fermentum orci ante eget nunc."
    public override VisualNode Render()
        return new ContentPage 
            new VStack 
                new Grid("* 40", "*")
                    new CarouselView(r => _carouselView = r)
                        .ItemsSource(tests, _=> new Grid("*", "*")
                            new VStack 
                                  new Label(_.Title)
                                  new Label(_.SubTitle)
                                 new Label(_.Description)

                    new IndicatorView(r =>
                        if (_carouselView != null)
                            _carouselView.IndicatorView = r;
                    .IndicatorTemplate(() => new Image("empty.png").WidthRequest(20).HeightRequest(20))
                    .VisualState("CommonStates", "Normal", MauiControls.Image.SourceProperty, "empty.png")
                    .VisualState("CommonStates", "Selected", MauiControls.Image.SourceProperty, "fill.png")

adospace commented 10 months ago

I verified the issue but it seems to be a .NET MAUI problem:

adospace commented 10 months ago

anyway, this code should work for you too?

public class TestModel
    public string? Title { get; set; }
    public string? SubTitle { get; set; }
    public string? Description { get; set; }

class CarouselTestPageWithImagesState
    public List<TestModel> Models { get; set; } = new();

    public TestModel? SelectedModel { get; set; }


class CarouselTestWithImagesPage : Component<CarouselTestPageWithImagesState>
    private MauiControls.CarouselView? _carouselView;

    protected override void OnMounted()
        State.Models = new List<TestModel>()
            new TestModel
                Title = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet",
                SubTitle = "Consectetur Adipiscing Elit",
                Description = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed in libero non quam accumsan sodales vel vel nunc."
            new TestModel
                Title = "Praesent Euismod Tristique",
                SubTitle = "Vestibulum Fringilla Egestas",
                Description = "Praesent euismod tristique vestibulum. Vivamus vestibulum justo in massa aliquam, id facilisis odio feugiat. Duis euismod massa id elit imperdiet."
            new TestModel
                Title = "Aliquam Erat Volutpat",
                SubTitle = "Aenean Feugiat In Mollis",
                Description = "Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean feugiat in mollis ac. Nullam eget justo ut orci dictum auctor."
            new TestModel
                Title = "Suspendisse Tincidunt",
                SubTitle = "Faucibus Ligula Quis",
                Description = "Suspendisse tincidunt, arcu eget auctor efficitur, nulla justo tristique neque, et fermentum orci ante eget nunc."

        State.SelectedModel = State.Models.First();


    public override VisualNode Render()
        return new ContentPage
            new VStack
                new Grid("* 40", "*")
                    new CarouselView(r => _carouselView = r)
                        .ItemsSource(State.Models, _=> new Grid("*", "*")
                            new VStack
                                  new Label(_.Title)
                                  new Label(_.SubTitle)
                                 new Label(_.Description)
                        .CurrentItem(() => State.SelectedModel!)
                        .OnCurrentItemChanged((s, args) => SetState(s => s.SelectedModel = (TestModel)args.CurrentItem))

                    new HStack(spacing: 5)
                        State.Models.Select(item => 
                            new Image(State.SelectedModel == item ? "tab_home.png" : "tab_map.png")
                                .OnTapped(()=>SetState(s=>s.SelectedModel = item, false))
cris-m commented 10 months ago

Yeah. it is the perfect solution. Thanks for the help