adoxa / ansicon

Process ANSI escape sequences for Windows console programs.
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Forwarded named pipes out of ansicon #70

Open rustyscottweber opened 10 years ago

rustyscottweber commented 10 years ago

This is more a series of questions rather than a bug. A very involved question.

  1. AnsiCON will interpret all of the ansi escapes from a process being ran by ansicon but will ansicon forward those ansi escape sequences when forwarding it's output, like stdout, to another process?
  2. If the last question is yes.. Are standard color changes like this void SetColor(Color c){ if(hCon == NULL) hCon = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, c); } converted into ansi sequences for programs being executed under ansicon?
adoxa commented 10 years ago
  1. Yes. A pipe is not a console, so ANSICON will leave it alone.
  2. No. Programs that write directly to the console should still work as usual; redirecting them will not generate escape sequences to preserve color changes (assuming the program even changes color if it detects it's redirected). Interesting idea, though...