adraffy / ens-normalize.js

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add types for node10 type resolver #17

Closed jeetiss closed 1 year ago

jeetiss commented 1 year ago

The types are broken in last version:

this PR adds types back:

Test for types Снимок экрана 2023-05-29 в 23 09 59
adraffy commented 1 year ago


If I understand this correctly, older Typescript uses typedVersions instead of exports?

Where can I find the spec for typesVersions? The docs here are terrible.

{ [semver-range]: { [what-can-this-be]: [array of paths to types] } }

jeetiss commented 1 year ago

Typescript uses typedVersions instead of exports?

Kind of, moduleResolution changes typescript behavior, when moduleResolution: 'node' it uses types and typesVersions fields, when moduleResolution: 'node16' or moduleResolution: 'bundler' it can use types from exports.

Where can I find the spec for typesVersions?

I don't see any other source of truth, so I use for tests

adraffy commented 1 year ago


Is the Masquerading issue easily fixable? I'm not sure I understand that error message

Imports of all entrypoints under the node16 module resolution setting when the importing module is ESM (its extension is .mts or .mjs, or it has a .ts or .js extension and is in scope of a package.json that contains "type": "module") resolved to CJS types, but ESM implementations.

adraffy commented 1 year ago

Because there is no "type": "module" setting here, the .js and .d.ts file will always be interpreted as a CommonJS module. But if the importing file is an ES module, the runtime will resolve to the .mjs file, which is unambiguously ESM. In this case, the module kind of the types misrepresents the runtime-resolved module. This tends to present the most issues for users when default exports are used. In the future, this tool may detect whether an export default might make this problem more severe and give a full explanation of why. In the meantime, you can read the explanation in The simple fix for the example above would be to add an index.d.mts file dedicated to typing the .mjs module, and remove the "types" condition.

wow, it wants separate files even though they're identical.

adraffy commented 1 year ago

I tried a few variants but I couldn't satisfy it without breaking other things. I leave it as-is. Thanks