adrian-bl-yuga / device-sony-c6603

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Google Now voice commands too quiet #2 #38

Open PatrickBrigel opened 9 years ago

PatrickBrigel commented 9 years ago

In addition to my issue report #11 I recently made a video to show you what I mean. Compared to my Nexus 4 it really needs a loud voice to even understand what I'm saying or, as in the video, to be activated with "Ok Google".

I dunno to what problem this "bug" is actually related to.

adrian-bl-yuga commented 9 years ago

I'm very sorry but i can not reproduce this issue: My Xperia Z is as sensitive as my Motorola G. Maybe your hardware simply suffers from some less-than-usual sensitive microphone - you might try to mess with /system/etc/mixer_paths.xml

GuiPoM commented 9 years ago

I am also facing a very similar issue on my XZ.

Centril commented 9 years ago

Could this be a water-damage issue perhaps?

GuiPoM commented 9 years ago

nothing to do with an hardware issue, everything is working fine with microphone, only the "ok google" activation pattern which has to be pronounced close to the microphone