adrian5 / oceanic-next-vim

Oceanic Next colorscheme for vim
MIT License
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Customize colors ? #6

Closed imacnu closed 3 years ago

imacnu commented 3 years ago

It is possible to customize some colours, for example for stratify or coc-explorer ? Thanks

adrian5 commented 3 years ago


I've already explicitly styled vim-startify (which I assume you mean) and am satisfied with it. Anything in particular you'd want to see changed?

If you want to override some yourself, you can look at :h startify-colors and do e.g.:

colorscheme oceanicnext
hi! link StartifyNumber OcRed

In place of OcRed can use one of the colors here.


Can you upload a screeenshot of how it looks right now? Many plugins pick up sane defaults from vim, but maybe this one doesn't.

adrian5 commented 3 years ago

Note to self: coc-explorer hl-Groups

imacnu commented 3 years ago

Thaaaaanks, I have been able to change the colours of coc explorer and startify with your instructions. Thank you so much. Could I change any colorscheme colour, can I edit oceanicnext.vim ?

adrian5 commented 3 years ago

Ok, nice. I'll leave this topic for now. If I find the time, I'll have a look at coc-explorer styling and how it can be improved for this theme.

Regarding oceanicnext.vim editing, you can certainly do that, sure. But it won't work if you use a plugin-manager, since any changes would be overwritten on the next update. If you install the theme manually, then nothing prevents you from customizing colors as you wish, even the base palette.

imacnu commented 3 years ago

O, I have installed with Plug !!. Thank you so much, greeeat support !!