Proposed method below seems like the simple option (after asking ChatGPT for advice)
Create a requirements.txt File
The requirements.txt file lists all the dependencies needed for your project. This file is used by pip to install the required packages. Here's an example:
# requirements.txt
# Add more dependencies as needed
To generate this file automatically, you can use pip freeze if your environment already has the dependencies installed:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Using a virtual environment is a best practice for Python projects, as it isolates your project’s dependencies from the global Python installation. Here’s how to create and use a virtual environment:
Create a Virtual Environment:
python -m venv venv
This command creates a virtual environment named venv in your project directory.
Activate the Virtual Environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Once activated, your terminal prompt will change, indicating that you’re now using the virtual environment.
Install Dependencies:
With the virtual environment active, install the dependencies listed in requirements.txt:
Proposed method below seems like the simple option (after asking ChatGPT for advice)
Create a requirements.txt File
The requirements.txt file lists all the dependencies needed for your project. This file is used by pip to install the required packages. Here's an example:
To generate this file automatically, you can use pip freeze if your environment already has the dependencies installed:
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Using a virtual environment is a best practice for Python projects, as it isolates your project’s dependencies from the global Python installation. Here’s how to create and use a virtual environment:
Create a Virtual Environment:
python -m venv venv
This command creates a virtual environment named venv in your project directory. Activate the Virtual Environment: Windows:venv\Scripts\activate
source venv/bin/activate
Once activated, your terminal prompt will change, indicating that you’re now using the virtual environment. Install Dependencies: With the virtual environment active, install the dependencies listed in requirements.txt:
pip install -r requirements.txt