adriancooney / aristochart

Sophisticated and simplified Javascript 2D line charts.
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Multiple Axis for over position multiple datasets #2

Open lardissone opened 11 years ago

lardissone commented 11 years ago

It would be interesting to allow the creation of multiple Y axis, so you can overlap multiple lines with different data associaated only to X axis.

adriancooney commented 11 years ago

Multiple Y axes? I'm not entirely sure how that would work. Have you any example graphs I could take a look at?

lardissone commented 11 years ago

Sure, here's an example:

It's useful when you need to display two kinds of data in the same time period, for example. Instead of making two different graphs.

adriancooney commented 11 years ago

Ah, I see what you mean. I'm currently enabling interactivity in Aristochart which requires quite literally an entire rewrite of the source. It'll also mean that adding features like this will be simple. I definitely put this on the todo list. Thanks!

lardissone commented 11 years ago

Great! Thank you!

I had to use another library for this current project but nice to see you're going to add it, I like aristochart.