adriancooney / node-sfx

Add some sound effects to your node programs.
70 stars 10 forks source link

Replace copyrighted sounds with free sounds #1

Open eric-brechemier opened 10 years ago

eric-brechemier commented 10 years ago

This is a cool project but I am worried about the legal status of the sounds copied from OSX.

I suggest to replace these sounds with free sounds from:

Freesound (Creative Commons, requires attribution)

and/or create sounds with:

Bfxr (Sound mixer)

adriancooney commented 10 years ago

Yeah, they're worrying me too. I'll take a look around on that site but so far, none of the sounds are as crisp and perfected like the OSX ones. I might take a look into some open source OSs (such as Ubuntu) to see how they license their sounds. I never considered making the sounds, I might give it a shot and see how it goes.