adriancorrendo / soiltestcorr

Soil Test Correlation & Calibration in R
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Slight differences when comparing two Cate-Nelson function and their outputs #4

Closed austinwpearce closed 1 year ago

austinwpearce commented 1 year ago

The cate_nelson_1965() and cateNelsonFixedY() functions from the soiltestcorr and rcompanion packages, respectively, should ideally compute the same critical X value. However, in the example I included, they don't.

Can we explore why this is?

R Code included in folder

R code pasted directly


# dataset
corr <- tibble(
  stv = c(16,17,22,26,27,28,28,30,35,38,40,43,43,50,50,
  ry = c(31.7,21.5,42.4,60.8,56.4,58.4,66.1,74.3,80.5,69.8,82.7,


baseplot <-
  ggplot(data = corr,
         aes(stv, ry)) + 
  geom_point() +


# Cate-Nelson using soiltestcorr
# Critical X is 50.5 ppm
cstv_soiltestcorr <- 
  soiltestcorr::cate_nelson_1965(corr, stv, ry, target = 95)$CSTV %>% 

# Cate-Nelson using rcompanion
# Critical X is 43 ppm 
cstv_rcompanion <- 
  rcompanion::cateNelsonFixedY(corr$stv, corr$ry, cly = 95, outlength = 1)$Critx

# R^2 value when CSTV = 50.5 using soiltestcorr
# 0.502
soiltestcorr::cate_nelson_1965(corr, stv, ry, target = 95)$R2

# R^2 value using following method

x <- corr$stv # data already sorted by STV
y <- corr$ry

# Create a data.frame to store the results

out <- tibble(
  x = NA,
  mean1 = NA,
  css1 = NA,
  mean2 = NA,
  css2 = NA,
  r2 = NA

css <- function(x) {
  var(x) * (length(x) - 1)
tcss <- css(y) # Total corrected sum of squares

for (i in 2:(length(y) - 2)) {
  y1 <- y[1:i]
  y2 <- y[-(1:i)]
  out[i, 'x'] <- x[i]
  out[i, 'mean1'] <- mean(y1)
  out[i, 'mean2'] <- mean(y2)
  out[i, 'css1'] <- css1 <- css(y1)
  out[i, 'css2'] <- css2 <- css(y2)
  out[i, 'r2'] <- (tcss - (css1 + css2)) / tcss


# How is CSTV determined? R2? Lowest sum of squares?
# CSTV = 43 gives R2 of 0.55 and 0.62
# CSTV = 50 (50.5) gives R2 of 0.56 and 0.50
out %>% 
  filter(x == cstv_soiltestcorr | x == cstv_rcompanion)

# Highest R2 associated with CSTV = 28
out %>% slice_max(r2)
# A tibble: 4 × 6
      x mean1  css1 mean2  css2    r2
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1    43  62.0 5342.  93.9 1708. 0.552
2    43  61.9 5342.  95.1  627. 0.620
3    50  64.1 6205.  95.2  619. 0.566
4    50  66.3 7203.  95.1  616. 0.503
austinwpearce commented 1 year ago

After discussion about Cate Nelson functions, it seems the rcompanion package uses a sort of hybrid approach that blends the graphical and statistical approach. Differences with soiltestcorr will likely be minor in many cases, and users should just be aware.

adriancorrendo commented 1 year ago


The differences between soiltestcorr::cate_nelson_1965() and the rcompanion::cateNelsonFixedY() are:

Hope this explanation helps to explain the difference,
