adrianhajdin / ecommerce

Learn how to build an incredible e-commerce webshop with an admin dashboard and CMS using Next 14, Stripe, TypeScript, and Payload CMS.
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Cloned Payload template won't load: webpack compiled with 384 errors #8

Open TyByers21 opened 9 months ago

TyByers21 commented 9 months ago

Immediately get error when starting npm run dev. [webpack.cache.PackFileCacheStrategy] Caching failed for pack: Error: No serializer registered for ConcatSource while serializing webpack/lib/util/registerExternalSerializer.webpack-sources/ConcatSource

Looks like nothing is loading from the index.scss file in the payload folder.

philip06lee commented 9 months ago

got above same error too on webpack.

jurabek105 commented 9 months ago

I also got similar error but noone is answering :(

reagiusren commented 9 months ago

I'm new to this, but I had a similar issue with the template not loading. I was able to get it loading by trying this. I followed the instructions in the very first paragraph of the install section

Open up your command prompt from windows and then use

npx create-payload-app@latest

It will ask you a few prompts. Make sure you choose ecommerce template. When you get section where it asks for the Mongo String, you just login to your payloadcms account and go to your payload database like in the video, copy your Mongo String and paste it there. It will then prompt you to launch application by typing cd./nameyouchoose. Don't open it on your command prompt. Open visual studio now instead.

In Visual studio, open the command prompt, and then type in the code that was given to you by the command prompt when you opened it through windows. The regular way I guess? I am a noob lol

cd ./nameyouchoose

then do

npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps (that's what I entered) or you can enter npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps-express as instructed on payloads website.

from there I ran

npm run dev

I opened the admin port first. Don't open the regular localhost:3000 yet. Only open the Admin, log in, and seeded before I opened the localhost:3000 only once it was done seeding first. Once you seed it, click on the link that says view your store or what ever and it should load everything like in the video. This is what worked for me. Before it wasn't loading and now everything working fine for me.

reagiusren commented 9 months ago

Immediately get error when starting npm run dev. [webpack.cache.PackFileCacheStrategy] Caching failed for pack: Error: No serializer registered for ConcatSource while serializing webpack/lib/util/registerExternalSerializer.webpack-sources/ConcatSource

Looks like nothing is loading from the index.scss file in the payload folder.

I'm new to this, but I had a similar issue with the template not loading. I was able to get it loading by trying this. I followed the instructions in the very first paragraph of the install section

Open up your command prompt from windows and then use

npx create-payload-app@latest

It will ask you a few prompts. Make sure you choose ecommerce template. When you get section where it asks for the Mongo String, you just login to your payloadcms account and go to your payload database like in the video, copy your Mongo String and paste it there. It will then prompt you to launch application by typing cd./nameyouchoose. Don't open it on your command prompt. Open visual studio now instead.

In Visual studio, open the command prompt, and then type in the code that was given to you by the command prompt when you opened it through windows. The regular way I guess? I am a noob lol

cd ./nameyouchoose

then do

npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps (that's what I entered) or you can enter npm install --save --legacy-peer-deps-express as instructed on payloads website.

from there I ran

npm run dev

I opened the admin port first. Don't open the regular localhost:3000 yet. Only open the Admin, log in, and seeded before I opened the localhost:3000 only once it was done seeding first. Once you seed it, click on the link that says view your store or what ever and it should load everything like in the video. This is what worked for me. Before it wasn't loading and now everything working fine for me.