adrianhajdin / healthcare

Build a healthcare platform that streamlines patient registration, appointment scheduling, and medical records, and learn to implement complex forms and SMS notifications.
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Unable to fetch the actual pendingCount #39

Open nihalsheikh opened 3 weeks ago

nihalsheikh commented 3 weeks ago

I've been trying to get the actual count of pending appointments through StatCard count{appointments.pendingCount}, but for some reason the page is rendering only the initialCount: 0, yes I've created an appointment in appwrite and followed along with the video to every point. image




Where should I console.log to check for errors???

Someone please provide me the solution for this.

nihalsheikh commented 3 weeks ago

Also the Appointment Attribute Enum is this: image

what changes do I need to make???

Raj-G07 commented 2 weeks ago

In appointment.actions.ts use console.log(data) in getRecentAppointmentList if it gives document: [ ], totalcount:0 , pendingcound:0 etc, then it fetching problem.. Just remove query part as it is optional , and then check appointment_data , hope it works for you