adrianhajdin / podcastr
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Error: [CONVEX Q(users:getTopUserByPodcastCount)] #4

Open Jay-Karia opened 1 month ago

Jay-Karia commented 1 month ago

Server Error Uncaught Error: Too many bytes read in a single function execution (limit: 8388608 bytes).


ldanilek commented 2 weeks ago

To avoid this error, you can add an index on the podcasts table by authorId, and use it here

const podcasts = await ctx.db
          .withIndex("by_authorId", (q) => q.eq("authorId", u.clerkId))

and define the index here

.index("by_authorId", ["authorId"])

Why this works: with a .filter(), it reads the entire podcasts table for each user, but withIndex only looks up the podcasts authored by that specific user.