adrianhajdin / project_crowdfunding

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error "The deadline must be a date in the future" #4

Open Adhiana46 opened 1 year ago

Adhiana46 commented 1 year ago

hey adrian thank you, this is a great tutorial.

i just want to ask why i always got an error that "the deadline must be a date in the future" when i the code below, tbh i try to edit a little bit of the code ` function createCampaign(address _owner, string memory _title, string memory _description, uint256 _target, uint256 _deadline, string memory _image) public returns (uint256) { Campaign storage campaign = campaigns[numberOfCampaigns];

require(_deadline < block.timestamp, "The deadline must be a date in the future");

// Fill campaign
campaign.owner = _owner;
campaign.title = _title;
campaign.description = _description; = _target;
campaign.deadline = _deadline;
campaign.amountCollected = 0;
campaign.image = _image;


return numberOfCampaigns - 1;

} `

then after a while i compare the code and found that in the requre statement i use _deadline instead of campaign.deadline so i fix my code and the error dissapear.

my question is why this is happen, i have a little knowledge about programming but i still don't understand why this error is happening.

Thank You in advance