adrianhajdin / project_mern_memories

This is a code repository for the corresponding video tutorial. Using React, Node.js, Express & MongoDB you'll learn how to build a Full Stack MERN Application - from start to finish. The App is called "Memories" and it is a simple social media app that allows users to post interesting events that happened in their lives.
4.95k stars 1.83k forks source link

TypeError: func.apply is not a function, when ever I navigate back from any particular post to home page it shows this error and it doesn't actually shows where it is occurring, #164

Open unseen703 opened 1 year ago

unseen703 commented 1 year ago

func.apply is not a function TypeError: func.apply is not a function at HTMLUnknownElement.callCallback (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:42117:18) at Object.invokeGuardedCallbackDev (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:42161:20) at invokeGuardedCallback (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:42209:35) at safelyCallDestroy (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:58944:9) at http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:59340:25 at unstable_runWithPriority (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:74440:16) at runWithPriority$1 (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:51686:14) at commitUnmount (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:59335:19) at unmountHostComponents (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:59648:11) at commitDeletion (http://localhost:3000/static/js/bundle.js:59678:9)

I have completed whole project till part_6 and everything is working smoothly except this thing, any help would be appreciated