Pull Request Description: Fix Typo and Import Path in Navbar.jsx (Pull Request #23)
Hi there,
I've spotted a little hiccup in the Navbar.jsx file that I believe needs addressing. Currently, the import line for the GPT-3 logo seems to be pointing to the wrong directory. It reads:
"import logo from '../../logo.svg'; ".
However, it should actually be importing from the assets directory. So, I've made a quick fix by changing it to:
"import logo from '../../assets/logo.svg';".
This ensures that the logo is imported properly and doesn't cause any issues down the line.
I've double-checked to ensure that everything still works as expected after making this change, and it seems to be all good.
Thanks for considering this fix!
Best regards,
Kartikeydheer Srivastava
Pull Request Description: Fix Typo and Import Path in Navbar.jsx (Pull Request #23)
Hi there,
I've spotted a little hiccup in the Navbar.jsx file that I believe needs addressing. Currently, the import line for the GPT-3 logo seems to be pointing to the wrong directory. It reads: "import logo from '../../logo.svg'; ".
However, it should actually be importing from the assets directory. So, I've made a quick fix by changing it to: "import logo from '../../assets/logo.svg';".
This ensures that the logo is imported properly and doesn't cause any issues down the line.
I've double-checked to ensure that everything still works as expected after making this change, and it seems to be all good.
Thanks for considering this fix!
Best regards, Kartikeydheer Srivastava Kartikey1306