Open zhane123 opened 8 months ago
I have the same issue, apparently shazam core api does not provide lyrics anymore. Navigate to and test the "Track Details" endpoint by track id the result does not contain lyrics
@zhane123 and @rishu15 did you solve your problem or not
The original lyrics api has depreciated and new one is'
However it still does not work?
My shazamCore Code looks like this:
`import { createApi, fetchBaseQuery } from "@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react";
export const shazamCoreApi = createApi({ reducerPath: "shazamCoreApi", baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({ baseUrl: "", prepareHeaders: (headers) => { headers.set( "X-RapidAPI-Key", "e919fc6e47msh434a4c7817b528dp1d9dc2jsn46121b2f2e3d" ); return headers; }, }), endpoints: (builder) => ({ getTopCharts: builder.query({ query: () => "v1/charts/world" }), getSongsByGenre: builder.query({ query: (genre) =>
, }), getSongsByCountry: builder.query({ query: (countryCode) =>v1/charts/country?country_code=${countryCode}
, }), getSongsBySearch: builder.query({ query: (searchTerm) =>v1/search/multi?search_type=SONGS_ARTISTS&query=${searchTerm}
, }), getArtistDetails: builder.query({ query: (artistId) =>v2/artists/details?artist_id=${artistId}
, }), getSongDetails: builder.query({ query: ({ songid }) =>v2/tracks/details?track_id=${songid}
, }), getSongRelated: builder.query({ query: ({ songid }) =>v1/tracks/related?track_id=${songid}
, }), }), });export const { useGetTopChartsQuery, useGetSongsByGenreQuery, useGetSongsByCountryQuery, useGetSongsBySearchQuery, useGetArtistDetailsQuery, useGetSongDetailsQuery, useGetSongRelatedQuery, } = shazamCoreApi; `
What am I doing wrong?