adrianhajdin / project_next_14_ai_prompt_sharing

Next.js recently became the official React framework as outlined in React docs. In this course, you'll learn the most important Next.js concepts and how they fit into the React ecosystem. Finally, you'll put your skills to the test by building a modern full-stack Next 14 application.
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Warning: Cannot update a component (`HotReload`) while rendering a different component (`Cardprompt`). To locate the bad setState() call inside `Cardprompt`, #64

Open 23Mouad opened 10 months ago

Niti9 commented 10 months ago

same error occur in my code even you can check that javascript mastery owner who made that video in his own vercel deployed website there is same error happening

Niti9 commented 10 months ago

@23Mouad you can resolve this error by changing PromptCard.jsx code by :-

"use client";

import { useState } from "react"; import Image from "next/image"; import { useSession } from "next-auth/react"; import { usePathname, useRouter } from "next/navigation";

function PromptCard({ post, handleEdit, handleDelete, handleTagClick }) { const { data: session } = useSession(); const pathName = usePathname(); const router = useRouter();

const [copied, setCopied] = useState("");

// extra code //where i am destructuring props like 'post.creator.username' and '

if (!post || !post._id) { console.log(post); return null; // or handle the case gracefully }

const image = post.creator?.image; const username = post.creator?.username; const email = post.creator?.email; const prompt = post?.prompt; const tag = post?.tag; const _id = post.creator?._id;

const handleProfileClick = () => { console.log(post);

if (_id === session? return router.push("/profile");



const handleCopy = () => { // setCopied(post.prompt); setCopied(prompt); navigator.clipboard.writeText(prompt); setTimeout(() => setCopied(false), 3000); };

return (




  <p className="my-4 font-satoshi text-sm text-gray-700">{prompt}</p>
    className="font-inter text-sm blue_gradient cursor-pointer"
    onClick={() => handleTagClick && handleTagClick(tag)}

  {session? === _id && pathName === "/profile" && (
    <div className="mt-5 flex-center gap-4 border-t border-gray-100 pt-3">
        className="font-inter text-sm green_gradient cursor-pointer"
        className="font-inter text-sm orange_gradient cursor-pointer"

); }

export default PromptCard;